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Story & Art Making Workshop: The Fairy Tale Forest

  • 51Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


This Storytelling Adventure Video+Activity Bundle is sure to keep you and/or your kids creatively engaged in the world of storytelling and art making! Jumpstart your imagination by taking a journey through The Fairy Tale Forest. For each "day" spent in the Fairy Tale Forest, you'll watch and listen to stories and then playfully make hands-on projects based on the tales you heard. Projects include imaginatively mapping the forest, dreaming up and building the fairy tale dwellings that populate the forest, retelling the fairy tales using masks and puppets... and more! This Storytelling Adventure Bundle includes 5 DAYS WORTH OF STORYTELLING VIDEOS AND PROJECTS created and guided by storyteller Rachael Harrington. You can watch the videos and work on the projects at your own pace, and once you purchase this bundle it never goes away- so you can work on the projects whenever you want. Originally created for families to use during mid-winter school breaks, the bundle could also be used for rainy day activities, or engaging with your kids/grandkids/nieces and nephews/etc when they visit. The possibilities are endless! You will need access to the videos via a computer or device, a way to print the print outs, and basic art supplies such as paper, markers/crayons, scrap cardboard, and tape/glue. But, you can get inventive and use any materials around your house that your grown-up gives a thumbs up to use!

You can also join this program via the mobile app.





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