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The Best School Assemblies For Springtime

School assemblies are a powerful way to engage your learners in inspiring arts integration events.

With storytelling assemblies, leaners get a highly energetic and interactive experience of literacy and social emotional skills as they dive in and explore folk and fairy tales from around the world.

Since so many folk and fairy tales from around the world have incredible tie-ins with springtime curriculum and celebrations, I want to share with you three of the best storytelling school assemblies for springtime themes.

A storyteller stands on a cafeteria stage at a microphone. She tells a story to a room full of k-2 students for a school assembly.
A K-2nd Read Across America school assembly program
  1. A Mighty Word: Folktales From Around The World All About The Power of Reading, Writing, and Language

    Celebrating World Read-Aloud Day, March Reading Madness, or Read Across America? A Mighty Word storytelling assembly empowers students to understand themselves as readers, writers and storytellers by actively inviting them into the building of stories told out loud: stories of heroines rescuing princes through writing a letter, stories of trolls stealing the queens most prized posession (her favorite book) and the adventure to recapture it, stories of a mamma-mouse who uses her gift of speaking two languages to scare off a cat... and more! Students will leave the assembly inspired to fall in love with the power of words and communication!

  2. Earth Tales: Folktales That Uncover The Magic Of Caring For Nature & The Environment

    If you're looking for a way to celebrate Earth Day and promote green living in your school community- Earth Tales is the school assembly program for you! WIth interactive tales about the rewards of stewarding nature well, this assembly not only inspires students to notice and protect the envirnment, but gives a huge boost to literacy skills and seamlessly weaves in social emotional learning.

  1. Once Upon A Shero: Folktales Featuring Strong Female Leads

    Women's History Month just got a rollicking new program: a storytelling assembly that features the strong female leads that come to vibrant life from the rich history of world folklore. The women in these stories don't sit around pining for anything or anyone- they go out and use their curiosity, cleverness, bravery, kindness, and curiosity to not only save the day, but create stronger communities and brighter futures for their friends and families.

A storyteller in a bright yellow skirt stands on stage with her arms stretched out wide and a microphone in one hand. the students in the audience are making the same movement as she is, with their arms out wide.
Students actively participate in telling a story during a third grade school assembly.

Ready to inspire your students towards imagination, literacy, and social emotional growth this spring? I would love to bring a vibrant, interactive storytelling school assembly to your community!


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